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AM and PM LINE RUN Canceled for Feb. 7/2025

No Charge Charters!

Take your group to Casino Rama via luxury highway coach at NO CHARGE!*

Your Casino Rama trip includes:
– Your choice of date, pick up location & time and FREE deluxe motor coach transportation.
– Buffet or Coin program (subject to eligibility)**

We can help you FUNDRAISE for your group today:

– Athletic Organizations
– Corporations.
– Colleges/Universities.
– Charities
– Social Clubs

It doesn’t get any easier than this!

Here’s how it works:

1) We provide you with the TOK Coachlines Coach Casino Group package for FREE.
2) You organize your group to go and charge a per passenger rate for the trip. A typical group organizes 45 people to go on a specific date and charges $10 per passenger for the trip. Your group earns $450 for each trip.
*All bookings are based on availability and some restrictions apply.
**Programs are subject to availability, group/individual eligibility and may change without notice.

Patrons must enroll in the Players Passport Club in order to be eligible for any offer compliments of Casino Rama.

All patrons must be 19 years of age or older with valid government issued photo I.D.

Call us today and make your reservations:
1-800-387-7097 ext. 324